Thursday, February 19, 2009

Agreeing To Agree

It's not every day that you can find common cause with those on the other side of the ideological divide. But this being the Age of Obama--a time of universal unity, post-partisanship, peace, love, and understanding--I suppose it should not be all that surprising that we should find ourselves holding hands and singing Kumbaya around the campfire with our comrades at the local alternative newspaper City Pages:

City Council members are discussing options to ban happy hour and other drinking specials at bars to help prevent binge drinking. They are also looking at ways to ban drinking games in bars (think beer pong and flip cup). Because, you know, young people can't play those games at home if they are so inclined.

Minneapolis is forming a task force to take a closer look at the recommendations on limiting drinking in bars to decide if the regulations should be considered by the City Council.

These recommendations are ridiculous. Businesses should be allowed to price their drinks how they choose. Particularly in a tough economy, bars have to find creative ways to get customers into their establishments.

Amen sister. You really have to read that second paragraph slowly to grasp the utter stupidity of the Minneapolis City Council:

Minneapolis is forming a task force to take a closer look at the recommendations on limiting drinking... bars...

What's next up for the Nanny State naybobs on the Council; limiting eating in restaurants? How about limiting shopping in malls? Limiting reading in libraries?

When you consider all the challenges facing the City of Minneapolis today, to learn that its "leaders" are spending their time on something so frivolous, so foolish, so far from what should be the legitimate scope of their power it almost makes you want to cry. And if I was a resident of Minneapolis, I probably would. And then I would pack my bags and get the hell out. Which is something that more and more businesses (especially bars) are probably seriously considering right about now.

For if there's anything that the Minneapolis City Council has a proven track record of limiting it's innovation, growth, and entrepreneurship within the city's boundaries.

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