Wednesday, February 12, 2014

HWX, with Victor Davis Hanson

It was a Tuesday night special edition of the Hinderaker Ward Experience (HWX), with John Hinderaker of Power Line and Brian Ward of Fraters Libertas reconvening to discuss the critical issues of our time.  Topics addressed include:

*  the truth behind John’s recent Achilles tendon surgery

*  The White House State Dinner for the President of France

*  The CBO report on Obamacare and its effect on job creation

*  Further Obamacare delays and Banana Republicanism

*  Loon of the Week: NBC, the Olympics, and the pivotal experiment that was genocidal, tyrannical communism

*  This Week in Gatekeeping:  quick hitters from the LA Times

*  Predictions – a musical look back on the insight of John Hinderaker

We were joined by special guest Victor Davis Hanson, who discusses his recent article, A Beat-up, Exhausted, and Terrified Republican Establishment.  VDH explains why Democrats are on the wrong side of all the key issues of the moment, and wonders why Republicans continue to lose elections.  As an accomplished classicist, he also connects the dots between Achilles and what brought down John Hinderaker. 

There are many ways to hear the podcast, including over on the mother ship at Ricochet.  You can be sure to never miss an episode by subscribing via iTunes.  Or you can just use the player embedded in the upper right hand corner of this website.  If all of these fail, send me an email and I'll come to your house and read from a written transcript.  Hope you enjoy.