Wednesday, October 13, 2004

The Lack Of Substance Concerning His Style

Geoffrey e-mails with his impressions of John Kerry:

William Weld's article in yesterday's refers to Kerry as "increasingly Kennedyesque," definitively declares him the most "able debater on the political scene today," and concedes, in what could be a line from a Leonard Bernstein musical, "the guy has style."

Maybe I'm the only person in America who noticed it, or maybe it was just the town hall nature of the second debate that accentuated it, but I think Kerry, both in appearance and mannerism, is freakish and unnerving. I watched his gangly body shuffle around the room during that debate, his face completely blank and devoid of the occasional hint of accentuation, inflection, or life in his voice, and I thought he looked like some bizarre Edward Gorey cartoon come to life. The man's voice sounded human, but his eyes looked sunken and dead. I found myself feeling uncomfortable just watching him and thought to myself that I would be all the more uncomfortable if I were actually there in his presence. This is the man for whom nearly half the population may vote? This is the man that will encourage nations to join a "grand coalition" in Iraq? Sheesh. What he emits is neither style or deftness, and he certainly isn't Kennedyesque. I don't think that either Bush or Kerry are any where near the most "able" debaters around today, but for goodness sake, at least we know Bush was born of man. And in the second debate, he won on both substance AND style.

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