Wednesday, February 21, 2007

The Joy of Flying

Tough week for Minnesota's Congressional delegation. The pride of the 5th district, Keith Ellison reveals he can't work and play well with others. Jim Ramstad goes wobbly on the war and supports the self indulgent resolution to begin the bail out. Jim Oberstar briefly returns from Washington to tell our Minnesota legislature to raise the state gas tax by a staggering 10 cents PER GALLON, lest we lose out on the opportunity to accept the billions in Federal tax collections he has arranged to channel our way.

And then there's Collin Peterson. The DFL representative from up in the normally conservative 7th district is working harder than ever on one very important issue.

"It's a pretty stupid deal," said Peterson, 62, the new chairman of the House Agriculture Committee.

He has worked on the issue since Jan. 4, when the House passed its new rules.

He's been working tirelessly for almost two months on this issue. Very impressive. I guess that happens when your most precious constituency has its interests threatened. That constituency being the most precious to all career politicians, themselves:

He said his Democratic colleagues were "trying to do the right thing" by cracking down on lawmakers flying around in fancy [corporate] jets, but he was surprised when he was told he could no longer be reimbursed for flying his own plane for official business.

"And I told Nancy Pelosi that if she didn't get this fixed, I was going to quit and there was going to be a Republican in my place, that if I couldn't fly I wasn't going to do this anymore."

If he's not allowed to have the taxpayers fund his preferred method of travel, he'll take his plane and go home! Please revise your definitions of public service accordingly, you poor SOBs in the 7th district who voted for him.

I also like how he uses the fact that the Democratic party is fundamentally out of step with the people in his district as leverage for getting his way. Give me what I want or I'll le the people elect someone who genuinely supports their interests! Talk about a loaded gun at the head of the Democrats. I'm surprised Nancy Pelosi didn't offer to get him Air Force 1.

So what is Peterson's excuse for needing the taxpayers to pony up for his flying around the district in his own plane?

Mark Brownell, Peterson's chief of staff, said Peterson has flown to at least 47 cities in his district in the past two years. He uses small airports or private landing strips.

"A plane has made it possible for him to be up in Roseau in the morning, Marshall in the midafternoon and then back up to Warroad at night," Brownell said.

Yes, I'm sure it's absolutely critical that he shows his puss in all of these cities in the same day. How would the people possibly survive without seeing their Congressman? To paraphrase the movie Sixteen Candles, there's nothing a teen age girl looks forward to more than seeing her grandparents.

Actually, I'm there may be some people who are happy to see Collin Peterson dropping down from the clouds. Those people who know he's bringing presents. Like these people in Roseau:

U.S. Rep. Collin Peterson announced that the U. S. Department of Commerce Economic Development Administration awarded the City of Roseau $1.9 million for upgrades to the existing storm water system and repair and replacement for sanitary sewer lines.

And these people in Marshall:

Collin Peterson announced that both the Marshall Airport, and the Southwest/West Central Services Cooperative are slated to receive funding through the federal appropriations bill that passed the House last weekend.

"I'm pleased to see these two projects recognized in the appropriations process, and I am glad I was able to help secure funding for Marshall and the surrounding region,” Peterson said. The Marshall Airport will receive $1 million as part of the Airport Improvement Program.

The SW/WC Services Cooperative will receive $340,000 from the Fund for the Improvement of Education, for the development of infrastructure of a youth program that teaches free enterprise and entrepreneurship.

And these people Wilmar:

Congressman Collin C. Peterson (D-7th District) announced that the Willmar Municipal Airport has been awarded $2 million from the U.S. Department of Transportation for construction on the new airport.

"The current airport has outgrown its space," Peterson said. "As someone who often uses the airport, and knows how important an airport is to economic development in the region, I am looking forward to seeing the new one when it's complete.:

I think we can see the real motive behind Peterson's need to fly to all these far flung locales, something he ought to call Air Pork. Bringing home the bacon to the voters just doesn't have the same punch over the telephone.

The law Peterson is so anxious about(H RES 6, Section 207 which amends Rule XXIII clause 15(a) of the Rules of the House of Representatives) states:

15. (a) A Member, Delegate, or Resident Commissioner may not use personal funds, official funds, or campaign funds for a flight on a non-governmental airplane that is not licensed by the Federal Aviation Administration to operate for compensation or hire.

To which Rep. Peterson submits (without a single cosponsor) in H RES 170:

Resolved, That clause 15(a) of rule XXIII of the Rules of the House of Representatives is amended by inserting before the period at the end thereof the following: `, except that when a Member, Delegate, or Resident Commissioner uses his personally owned airplane in the performance of official or campaign travel, he may be reimbursed on a rate per mile basis for the cost of the use of the airplane from official or campaign funds, respectively'

So not only will Peterson be reimbursed for "official business," he'll be reimbursed for campaigning. At least he's got enough shame to pretend there's a difference.

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