Since 9/11 there has been a great deal of hand wringing and soul searching in America asking questions such as why do they hate or what can we do to change their views. A more relevant question might be why are such a sizable number of Americans so virulently opposed to everything their country does, so willing to accept that America is the cause of most of the world's problems? What has occurred in their lives that has rendered them unable to believe in their country, their government, and their fellow citizens?
Today on NPR on a show discussing the popularity of President Bush a woman called from Boulder who sincerely believed that the polls showing Bush's enormous levels of support should not be given credence because people were living in fear of the government and unwilling to offer public dissent (in this case over the phone) due to the possible repercussions. She believed that privately most of the country was against the war and the Bush administration. Where do you even begin with someone with such a warped perspective of reality? Does she really believe that John Ashcroft and his jack booted government thugs are listening in on her phone calls for evidence of disloyalty to Bush?
Yes, Agent Jones get your Nacht-und-Nebel(Night and Fog) squad over to Boulder and pick up Miss Fleming immediately. Her answers to the latest Gallop poll were seditious and treasonous. It's time for her to "disappear".
What gives birth to such nonsense?