Saturday, August 28, 2010

Northern Alliance Radio Network - LIVE at the Fair

The Northern Alliance Radio Network goes LIVE, and in your FACE, Saturday morning at 11 AM. It's the openining of our State Fair broadcasts and John Hinderaker and I will be LIVE from The Patriot Plaza, just off the main Snelling Ave. entrance, near the corner of Dan Patch and Cosgrove. If you're coming out to the State Fair today, be sure to stop on by and say 'que pasa'. We love to meet the listeners and there will be free goodie bags, cool patriot merchandise for sale, and the normal radio excellence going on all day long.

Scheduled guests appearing LIVE today include the proprietor of my favorite ride on the Fairgrounds, the Ye Old Mill (aka, the Tunnel of Love - yowza!), Princess Kay of the Milky Way LVII, Hugh Hewitt, and Generalissimo Duane Patterson. Also, by phone, one of our favorite guests, author Claire Berlinski. The show then culminates with the gala Scotch Egg Eating Contest at about 12:30.

It all starts at 11AM (central). Following us at 1 PM, Mitch Berg and Ed Morrissey. And, don't forget at 9 AM, King Banaian over at the Patriot's sister station, KYRC (Business 1570).

The Northern Alliance Radio Network is heard locally on AM1280 the Patriot, streaming LIVE worldwide at the web site. Call in and join the action at 651-289-4488. And if you're on the Fairgrounds, come on down. Don't you dare miss it.

THE ELDER ADDS: While I won't be able to make it out for today's sure to be Peabody nominated State Fair NARN broadcast, I will be tuning in as it promises to be one heck of an entertaining show. Listening to Claire Berlinski wisely intone on the state of the world today and Generalissimo Duane sloppily engorge a Scotch Egg presents a fascinating radio dichotomy. And that's just the beginning!

One topic that I hope is broached with Miss Berlinski is here contentious call to Ban the Burqa (National Review-sub req):

Banning the burqa is without doubt a terrible assault on the ideal of religious liberty. It is the sign of a desperate society. No one wishes for things to have come so far that it is necessary.

But they have, and it is.

Sometimes there simply are no good choices. Just ask Duane.