Monday, September 27, 2010

Something Not Rotten in Denmark

Where in the world is Mark Steyn? Those, like me, missing his regular contributions to National Review Online and the Hugh Hewitt show maybe asking that question. The answer, at least of late, is Denmark.

He received an award from the Danish Free Press Association. Which turns out to have nothing to do with speaking the truth to pastries. It's an award about the right to free speech and free political debate. From Europeans of all people. I did not see that coming.

Those who assume all Danes are as dreary, and politically-correct as Garrision Keillor may be surprised to hear the gales of laughter as Steyn gives 'em hell and brings down the house with his more stinging satirical barbs against Islamic extremism and intolerance. Is there hope in Europe?

Audio here, Steyn is in rare form, great stuff.