Wednesday, June 20, 2012

In the Balance

Big news in the e-mail inbox today. Apparently a major endorsement, one which could tip the balance of this year’s election, will be decided shortly. From the folks at

Dear MoveOn member,

We have a big decision to make.

At MoveOn, members vote on any election endorsements we make. Today we need to decide whether to make an endorsement in the presidential race. The outcome of the election is far from decided—polls are showing that this could be a very tight race—so our work could make a big difference.

If MoveOn members vote to endorse President Obama, we'll campaign hard to re-elect Obama and to defeat Mitt Romney. If MoveOn members choose not to endorse Obama, we won't spend our time and resources on the presidential election. It's up to you.

So it's time to ask the question: Should MoveOn endorse President Obama?



Yes ladies and gentlemen, this is indeed a pivotal moment in history. How will the independent thinking, unbiased, middle of the road folks at vote on this crucial matter of who to endorse? I’m on the edge of my seat waiting for the results. This really could go either way.

In related news, another important endorsement is expected to be announced soon as we’ll finally know which presidential candidate radio shock jock Hugh Hewitt supports. The suspense in waiting for the outcome in these two situations is almost too much to take.