Tuesday, February 05, 2013

HWX, with Glenn Reynolds

The Hinderaker-Ward Experience (HWX) returns for some fiery conversation on a cold night in the Twin Cities. John Hinderaker of Power Line and Brian Ward of Fraters Libertas discuss the Super Bowl, the holes in the souls, and gun control, including Barack Obama's visit to Minneapolis Monday to talk about his latest gun grabbing initiative.

Next Glenn Reynolds, the Instapundit, stops by to talk about his latest book, The K-12 Implosion.  The man who years ago predicted the bursting of the Higher Education Bubble now sees the future of ever more expensive, yet quality-challenged government education (boom!). It's the latest in the Encounter Broadside series and can be yours for 6 bucks (cheap). Then, last week's winner of the Ricochet Listener/Member of the Week, Lydens Cheng, joins us to tell us her journey from Cambodia to UTEP to Ricochet and she gives us this week's Phrase That Pays.

We wrap up with the Loon of the Week (the wit and wisdom of Chuck Hagel) and This Week in Gatekeeping (what the Chicago Tribune thinks it knows about assault weapons).

Many ways to hear the podcast, including over on the mothership at Ricochet.   You can be sure to never miss an episode, by subscribing via iTunes or Feedburner.  Or just use the player embedded below or in the upper right hand corner of this web site.  If all of these fail, send me an email and I'll come to your house and read from the written transcript.  Enjoy!