Friday, April 26, 2013

Invisible Airwaves Crackle With Strife

Local talk radio host Bob Davis has ran afoul of a local member of and she's started a petition to stop the hate:

Bob Davis, a radio host on Twin Cities News Talk in Minneapolis, a Clear Channel station, said that he'd like to tell the parents of Sandy Hook victims to "go to hell" for infringing on his Second Amendment rights. He also said, "I'm sorry that you suffered a tragedy, but you know what? Deal with it, and don't force me to lose my liberty, which is a greater tragedy than your loss." To compare the loss of political ground to the brutal and violent loss of a child is disrespectful and inhuman.

This hate-filled talk is unimaginably painful for victims' families. Sensationalism, while it sells lots of advertisements, appeals to our worst selves and has no place in a time when deep divisions in our country require us to find common ground.

Enough is enough: We have to start standing up against hate speech.

That's why I created a petition on to Clear Channel CEO Bob Pittman, which says:

Bob Davis, a radio host on Twin Cities News Talk AM 1130 in Minneapolis, said that he'd like to tell the parents of Sandy Hook victims to "go to hell" for infringing on his Second Amendment rights. Take Bob Davis off the air; he is a stain upon your station's reputation. Victims deserve respect and compassion, not vitriol and hate.

How will Mr. Davis sleep at night knowing that he is a considered a voice of hate. My guess? Like a baby.