Saturday, June 08, 2013

HWX, Stood Up Edition

The Hinderaker-Ward Experience (HWX) returns for another special Friday night broadcast.  John Hinderaker of Power Line and Brian Ward of Fraters LIbertas discussing all the news that's fit to discuss, including:
*  the newest freshly minted Obama scandals of the day, revelations of massive government Internet  and post office surveillance
*  the meaning of a 'right to privacy' in modern American society
*  the uncomfortable clash between increasing government control of our lives and increasing government abuse of power
*  Rep. Michele Bachmann's announcement that she won't be running for re-election
*  Loon of the Week:  Ivy Leaguer Michael Eric Dyson 
*  This Week in Gatekeeping:  New York Times Bible bloopers
We are also not joined by guest and former Wall Street Journal editor Ray Sokolov, author of the new book Steal the Menu: A Memoir of 40 Years in Food, nor by Listener-Member of the Week, the great Patrick Gibbs.  Though we do name check them extensively and wonder what it might have been like to have them on the air with us.
Many ways to hear the podcast, including over on the mothership at Ricochet.  You can be sure to never miss an episode by subscribing via iTunes or Feedburner.  Or just use the player embedded in the upper right hand corner of this web site.  If all of these fail, send me an email and I'll come to your house and read from a written transcript.  Hope you enjoy.