Thursday, March 27, 2014

HWX: The Naked Truth

It's a special midweek edition of the Hinderaker-Ward Experience (HWX), with John Hinderaker of Power Line and Brian Ward of Fraters Libertas reconvening to bring you the finest in podcast excellence.  Topics addressed this week include:
*  Recap of the Minneapolis Ricochet Meet Up and revelation of the location of the salvageable audio from the Lost HWX episode recorded that night
*  Power Line vs. The Washington Post’s embarrassing reporting on Canadian oil sands and the Koch Brothers, with the man who made the news, John Hinderaker
*  Loon of the Week – CNN and the black hole theory of the missing Malaysian plane
*  This Week in Gatekeeping – tacit admissions and abject denials about Newsweek’s reporting on the alleged inventor of the Bit Coin

We were also pleased to be joined by Paul Skousen, author of The Naked Socialist.  We talk about what socialism is, why it’s been with us for so long, and why, despite its record of failure, it continues to have a hold on humanity.  We also talk about why he considers the Constitution the “miracle that stopped socialism” and how, despite recent trends, we could still separate ourselves from it in the future.

Here's the link for the show:  HWX:  The Naked Truth
(Normal channels of accessing the podcast, like the little player in the upper right hand corner of hits website, are experiencing temporary technical difficulties with the Ricochet 2.0 transition.  Please stand by for their return.)