Saturday, May 14, 2016

HWX, with Guest Steven Crowder

It’s a very special episode of HWX, with Brian Ward and Paul Happe reconvening to discuss the key issues of the day.
crowder 1The boys are joined by the great Steven Crowder, of the hillarous podcast Louder with Crowder. Steven discusses his burgeoning battle against Facebook and their suppression of conservative news, as well the art behind his masterful impressions of Donald Trump, Bernie Sanders and Lena Dunham, and more thoughts on the current political scene.
Other topics addressed include:
* The key civil rights issue of our time – the right to use the gender bathroom of your choice. Also featured, a sneak preview of the remix of the Brownsville Station/Motley Crue classic, Smokin’ in the Boys Room, made more relevant for these troubled times.
* Where have all the losing Presidential candidates gone? They’ve checked their egos at the door and made a new tribute album with their favorite rockers. It’s Campaign Gold 2: The Duets and we’ve got the exclusive audio.
* The humor of the White House Correspondent’s Dinner, a review of some of the jokes told by host Larry Wilmore. Funny or not? We decide.
* Andrew Jackson kicked to the back of the $20 bill. And that’s not all, we have exclusive audio of the next stage of our national deJacksonification.
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