Thursday, March 22, 2007

At Least They Spelled My Name Right...

...actually they didn't. Gore's movie fuels debate in St. Louis Park:

Al Gore's documentary 'An Inconvenient Truth' may have won an Oscar, but plans to show the global warming movie has pushed some hot buttons in St. Louis Park.

Gore's movie was scheduled to be shown as part of a discussion on climate change, but one local Republican Party activist and blogger says, the plan is one-sided at the tax payer's expense.

"I sent an email to my city council person, two at large city council members, and the mayor of St. Louis Park expressing my displeasure, saying, if you want to show the 'Inconvenient Truth,' you should also show the other side of the story," Chad Dought said.

The mayor of St. Louis Park says, discussion is the goal of the screening and he welcomes films from all sides of the topic.

You can also watch a video clip of last night's story at the above link.

The good news? The way I understand his remarks in the story last night, the mayor of St. Louis Park is now willing to have the city also show a movie presenting an alternative view on global climate change.

The bad news? We received a letter this morning from the City of St. Louis Park informing us that our house is blocking construction of the new Matlock Expressway. We have 72 hours to vacate. At that time they will blow up our house and any remaining Doughtys.

You win some, you lose some.

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