Monday, April 01, 2002

Fighting the Battle of Who Can Print Worse

My brother and I have been debating which newspaper is worse in terms of liberal bias and just overall crappy journalism the Boston Globe or Minneapolis Star Tribune. Here's my opening salvo in favor the Star Tribune.

For the last year or so the Minneapolis Star Tribune has been running a feature every Monday on the editorial page featuring 'Samples of Great Rhetoric From The Past'. Along with speeches from George Washington, John Adams, Voltaire, and Churchill the Strib has also published a speech Lenin made shortly after the 1917 revolution and last week featured the lyrics to 'L'Internationale' with a note that it was adapted as the national anthem of the Soviet Union until World War II.

Isn't that special? The theme song to an ideology that murdered and enslaved millions during the 20th century and threatened the demise of Western civilization for nearly fifty years. I can't wait for the week when the paper features an excerpt from a Hitler Nuremburg rally speech as an example of "great rhetoric". Oh wait I almost forgot. Nazis are evil because they killed millions in pursuit of their totalitarian desires to rule the world. In the view of the Star Tribune, Communists, who also killed millions in pursuit of their totalitarian desires, are OK because you know they meant well.

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