Friday, May 02, 2008

Got Kind of Tired Packing and Unpacking

After a hectic and exhausting week, we're on the last downhill of the moving roller coaster. Except for a few remaining heavy items that will be moved tomorrow (lift with your back not your legs Saint Paul), one POD is empty. The other mostly contains small boxes (diapers--$$$) of less critical items. By Monday, both PODS will be gone from our driveway and everything will be unloaded. Not put away mind you, but unloaded.

We spent a day without the internet or television (still having flashbacks), before the cable guy arrived on Wednesday and wired us up. Yes, the cable guy. After much debate and deliberation, we elected to remain with Comcast.

The primary factor was concern about the DSL internet speed. Such speed is all relative of course. Back in the days of dial up, you thought nothing of waiting while web pages loaded. Now, if one doesn't appear within three seconds of my mouse click, I get agitated. DSL might be just a bit slower than cable, but I didn't think I would be able to handle any backsliding in this area.

And I must say that my relocation experiences with Comcast have been quite good so far. The customer service rep I spoke with to set up the new service was friendly, informative, and thorough. The installer showed up ten minutes into his two hour window and was also friendly and accommodating of my questions and requests. It was hard to believe I was dealing with a cable company at all. Having just said that, I'm probably setting myself up for the mother of all customer support nightmares, but so far so good.

The new neighbors have been very friendly and I'm discovered a local liquor store with an excellent selection of beer, which along with pizza is a staple of moving. Even better, it's open until 10pm on weeknights. Local readers will appreciate the joy I felt upon realizing that I was freed from the tyranny of the 8pm close. Welcome to the neighborhood.

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