Saturday, August 09, 2008

One Is The Loneliest Number

Veteran gets one-on-one chat with Franken:

On Friday, DFL-endorsed U.S. Senate candidate Al Franken demonstrated how true that saying can be, when a roundtable on veterans issues at Brigitte's Cafe his campaign scheduled drew only one participant.

Josh John, a St. Cloud resident who said he served in the Navy from 2000-04, had Franken to himself for an hour as he described difficulties he faced returning from his tour of duty and the help he received from his Veterans Services Office and the St. Cloud VA Medical Center.

One vote at a time, right Al?

I imagine it must have sounded something like this:

Al Franken's Campaign Manager: You know what I want you to do? Will you do something for me?

Al Franken: What?

Al Franken's Campaign Manager: Do me a favor. Just kick my ass, okay? Kick this ass for a man, that's all. Kick my ass. Enjoy. Come on. I'm not asking, I'm telling with this. Kick my ass.

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