Thursday, January 01, 2009

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

This is the first year that the eldest son (almost three and a half) has fully embraced the Christmas season. He enthusiastically belts out carols (Jingle Bells, Rudolph, and Santa's Coming Tonight, Tonight from "SpongeBob"). He loves reading books like Rudolph and the Night Before Christmas. He digs the lights, decorations, and most of all of course Christmas trees. He was glued to every television special that we tuned in and has become quite a fan of "The Grinch" after getting the DVD on Christmas Eve. He knows and oft repeats the standard greetings "Merry Christmas," "Happy New Year's" and "Ho, Ho, Ho." And for the last few weeks, he's informed us on a regular basis that "It's the holiday season."

Tonight, while eating dinner he started singing a new song. To the tune of "Happy Birthday," he crooned "Happy Christmas to you Charlie Brown." A new tradition is born.

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