Friday, August 21, 2009

Northern Alliance Radio Network

The First Team of the Northern Alliance Radio Network will be back LIVE on the air tomorrow, starting at 11 AM. It will be or final broadcast from the bunker before we move out to the MN State Fair next week. Meaning, our final broadcast without being under the influence of mass quantities of corn dogs, mini donuts, fudge puppies, fried Twinkies, and Scotch Eggs. Appreciate the lean and hungry lucidity while you can.

This week health care reform will continue to be our primary emphasis of conversation, the highlight being our guest in the 11 AM hour, Steven Camarota of the Center for Immigration Studies. Among other topics, we'll be discussing the so-called "myth" that the Obama reforms will result in increased tax payer funding for illegal immigrant health care. Steven is an expert in this field and he's got some fascinating insight into the realities hidden in the 1,000 pages of legislation. Check out the presentation he had on CSPAN earlier this week for a preview.

Maybe some other surprise guests as well, still negotiating the details on time, duration, and personal services rider (fresh spring water and NO YELLOW M&M's), so we'll see about that.

Don't forget, the Northern Alliance Radio Network starts at 11AM Central, locally on AM1280 the Patriot. Streaming LIVE worldwide at the station web site. Call in and join the conversation at 651-289-4488.

Following us at 1 PM, Mitch Berg and Ed Morrissey, then at 3PM it's King Banaian and the Final Word. Also, don't forget David Strom preceding us all at 9 AM.

Don't you dare miss it.

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