Thursday, May 20, 2010

Spring Cleaning

You may have noticed a few changes to your friendly neighborhood blog. After milking the most we could out of our logo that was created in 2004, we finally decided to pop for a new look. Pop in this case meant laying out for a case of Surly Furious as compensation to Derek Brigham, the well-renowned local graphic guru.

A case of beer may not sound like much, but remember that Surly comes in four-packs of pint-sized cans. Shelling out for six four-packs of Surly is not an inexpensive proposition, but one that seems well-worth the investment. We're just lucky that Derek didn't ask for a case of Surly Abrasive Ale or we'd have to take out a second mortgage on the Fraters Inc. world headquarters compound.

Along with the new logo, we're looking for a new template for the site. We're now back to the three-column look, which I (and apparently many readers) prefer. It'd be nice to find a template that fits better with the logo, but for now we're going with this one. You can expect to see a couple of new templates appear over the next couple of weeks and we tweak the look.

As always, we appreciate any feedback you may have on the matter.