Tuesday, February 08, 2011

The Awful Truth

From November 2010, Don Shelby on the reasons for his retirement from WCCO TV:

"I have determined that I can be of no further help to WCCO," he said. "My kind of journalism is passé — the long-form, investigative pieces that hold the powerful accountable."

From February 2011, Don Shelby on the reasons for his triumphant return to the media:

I've got to tell you that I wouldn't be comfortable in a hammock or passing a lazy summer day fishing if I could help find the truth of these matters and tell them to people.

The employment status changes, but the arrogance remains the same.

Who says this kind of thing about themselves out loud, in public? Even if it were true, it's a one way ticket to becoming a laughingstock in any social or professional circle. Others can attribute these heroic, selfless qualities to you. Ideally in a eulogy. But it's an undeniable fact of life, people don't want to be reminded of your greatness, by you. Ever. This is especially true if you're delusional.

How has Don Shelby gotten away with this for decades in the Twin Cities without his colleagues and/or audience revolting? Looks like they'll get another chance to do so, with the announcement of a new weekly column from Don Shelby in the liberal website Minnpost.

About that "truth" which is compelling him to climb out of the hammock and speak to the world, here's how he describes his path to knowledge:

Why study the sciences? Fair question. I want to know, among other things, if the science supporting global-warming theory is correct or if some people -- fossil fuel producers, politicians who represent those businesses or states big on fossil fuel production, and blowhard pundits -- are correct in saying there is nothing to worry about.

Who's peddling the truth on global warming, the science or sinister financial interests and blowhards? Tune in at 10PM to find out!

Or next week, actually, for the next installment of his column. Even with a change in medium, good to see Shelby hasn't lost his objective newsman's instincts for framing an issue and relaying the facts.