Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Not Quite Hockey Day Minnesota

I'm not sure who this reflects worse on. Me (most likely), the TSA (to be sure) or the California DMV (what's to say?)

Anyway, I have arrived here in the Twin Cities fat, dumb and happy and looking forward to Hockey Day Minnesota in Moorhead. So, as I said, I arrive, get my luggage and trundlke my fat ass down to the tram and then to the rental car counter. Looking forward to a burger at Shamrocks and a Wild game.

But wait! Rental car boy notices something.


What? Seriously? uh oh. Wait, I renewed it on line. Paid my moneys and I wants my license.

Come to find out, California is issuing some new fangled ID/drivers license and it takes 6 weeks from renewal to receive the new license. So if you have the misfortune to have a birthday within six weeks of a vacation . . .

. . . you're sitting in a hotel room in Minneapolis wondering WTF?

Does make me wonder, though. Does TSA check to make sure the license is valid when going through security? Apparently not. Until I try and fly back home, no doubt.


UPDATE: No longer an undocumented immigrant in Minnesota. The California DMV came through and faxed confirmation of my license to me. The same day! Actual, real life government efficiency. And from the DMV. Go figure.

Does this mean I have to supoport government run health care now??