Thursday, March 10, 2011

Like, Whatever

Some interesting results from Right Wing News' Blogger Poll: The 2nd Annual Ultimate Like/Dislike Poll For Famous People On The Right:

Most Popular (Strongly like + like percentage)

15) Andrew Breitbart: 95.5%
14) George Will: 95.6%
13) Glenn Reynolds/Instapundit: 95.7%
11) Fred Thompson: 97%
11) National Review: 97%
9) The Tea Party: 97.1%
9) Charles Krauthammer: 97.1%
6) Allen West: 98.5%
6) Thomas Sowell: 98.5%
6) David Limbaugh: 98.5%
5) Chris Christie: 98.6%
1) Scott Walker: 100%
1) Paul Ryan: 100%
1) Marco Rubio: 100%
1) John Roberts: 100%

Most Popular Potential 2012 POTUS Contenders (Strongly like + like percentage)

8) Ron Paul: 35.3%
8) Mike Huckabee: 35.3%
7) Mitt Romney: 44.8%
6) Newt Gingrich: 54.4%
5) Mitch Daniels: +76.1%
4) Michelle Bachmann: +83.6%
3) Jim DeMint: +87.9%
2) Sarah Palin: 89.8%
1) Chris Christie: +98.6%

Most Unpopular (Strongly dislike + dislike percentage)

Honorable Mention: Bill O'Reilly: 51.5%
Honorable Mention: Mitt Romney: 55.2%
10) WorldNetDaily: 60.6%
10) Michael Savage: 60.6%
9) Christine O'Donnell: 60.7%
7) Ron Paul: 64.7%
7) Mike Huckabee: 64.7%
6) David Brooks: 71.2%
5) Pat Buchanan: 71.6%
4) Kathleen Parker: 77.8%
3) Joe Scarborough: 80.6%
2) David Frum: 87.5%
1) Meghan McCain: 93.8%

I really don't get why so many conservatives don't like Ron Paul. While I certainly don't agree with everything he espouses, I think it's good to have a voice like his out there calling for a strict adherence to the Constitution.

It's also interesting to note that Mitt Romney--in many eyes the GOP frontrunner for 2012--is not held in high regard by this particular collection of conservative bloggers.