Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Media Alert

I will be appearing on Minnesota Public Radio’s "Bright Ideas" program, which airs today at 12 noon (central time). It's a one hour broadcast, and please be aware that you’ll need to be patient while wading through a 59 minute preliminary interview with John Hinderaker before my appearance. (And that assumes my contribution doesn’t end up on the cutting room floor. They said there would be editing and the dude was looking at me when he said it.)

Actually, the John Hinderaker portion is quite good. The interviewer had that passive-aggressive edge liberal media members have when dealing with conservatives (love the intro where he works in words like "feisty" and "insults" -- or words to that effect -- to characterize what goes on at Power Line). But John presents a strong, articulate defense of conservative principles throughout and plenty of pushback on the flawed premsies of many questions. If John was running for President and this was a televised debate, he'd be ascending in the polls right now.

Again, it's on today, 12 noon (central) on 91.1 FM here in the Twin Cities, and streaming here.