Saturday, October 18, 2014

HWX: In the Hot Zone

It was a special midweek broadcast of the Hinderaker-Ward Experience, with John Hinderaker ofPower Line and Brian Ward of Fraters Libertas discussing the critical issues of our time.
Topics include ebola, what is, how you die from it, and how you do NOT prevent it from spreading in the United States (say, by instituting leisure travel restrictions from countries where it is most prevalent).
We were also joined by the great Byron York of the Washington Examiner and Fox News, with a state by state breakdown of key US Senate races.
Also Loon of the Week and a special round up of highly controversial This Week in Gate Keeping items.
HWX is brought to this week by Harry’s Shave. For the finest shave at the best price, go to For an even better price, enter the coupon code HWX at checkout for $5 off your first purchase.
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There are many ways to hear the podcast, including over on the mother ship at Ricochet.  You can be sure to never miss an episode by subscribing via iTunes.  Or you can just use the player embedded in the upper right hand corner of this website.  If all of these fail, send me an email and I'll come to your house and read from a written transcript.  Hope you enjoy.