Thursday, December 19, 2002

Piling On

You probably thought we were done pillorying Mike Farrell for his astoundingly naive comments regarding his indirect support for Iraq and their attainment of weapons of mass destruction. Well I was done, but reader Lauri Shannon from Omaha, NE chimes in with a few cogent observations that need to be heard:

Farrell said the following: 'So, my question is: What is the value of the administration's undercutting the job of the inspectors by picking at it, by criticizing them, by continuing to criticize the Iraqi government, when what we see so far is cooperation? What we see so far is the inspectors being able to do their jobs.' So our question to BJ Farrel and his Group is: What is the value of all of you undercutting the job and position of the [president] by picking at him, by criticizing his administration, by continuing to criticize the US government, when what we see so far is cooperation with the UN? What we see so far is the President and his administration doing their jobs.

[Farrel] further said: 'What we ought to be doing at this point, it seems to me, or what the administration ought to be doing is taking yes for an answer and ratcheting down rather than ratcheting up the drums of war.' So we should retort back, What your group ought to be doing at this point, is taking yes for an answer. He went to the Congress and got a yes form both bodies, then he went to the UN and got a unanimous yes from that body. Farrell and his group should be ratcheting down rather than ratcheting up the rhetoric.

Well said Lauri. In honor of your contribution I'm declaring a Fraters Libertas moratorium on any disparaging references to Minneapolis as a 'cold Omaha' for the period of one week. I hope you enjoy this window of ridicule free peace and quiet.

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