Monday, December 22, 2008

You Raise The Blade

The polls in the second stage of the NARN First Team 2008 Loon of the Year runoff have closed. The top five vote getters were:

Keith Olbermann 18%

Nancy Pelosi 17%

Harry Reid 15%

Joe Biden 12%

Sandra Bernhard 9%

After the Loon of the Year canvassing board met in a secluded cabin in Northern Minnesota to certify the results, they ruled that Keith Olbermann is ineligible to advance to the LOTY Finals since he already has been crowned LOTY in 2006. While this ruling may disenfranchise some Olbermann voters, for the integrity of the process the board has decided that they must take this step.

With Olbermann out of the top ten finalists, LOTY election rules say that the candidate who received the next highest number of votes will take his place (#11 overall). In this case, that means that Ted Turner will be one of the finalists.

Joining Turner are Sandra Bernhard, Joe Biden, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Chris Matthews, Jeremiah Wright, Joy Behar, Bill Maher, and Maxine Waters. The final poll to select the 2008 NARN First Team Loon of the Year will open shortly.

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