Thursday, April 02, 2009

Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep

Tuesday night, I attended my local GOP Senate District convention. Such affairs are usually quite staid in off-election years and this event followed the pattern. A couple of speeches by candidates seeking higher offices within the party, reports from the finance and fundraising folks, and a vote to elect delegates to state central. Another night of grunt work for one of life's little platoons.

I happened to be seated next to a woman who I've come to know over the years of participating in politics at this level. She's a school teacher who's looking to retire from the classroom, but hasn't been able to make the numbers work just yet. Last night, she happened to mention that she and her sister have also started a business and she's hoping that eventually this might allow her to escape the blackboard jungle.

Not surprisingly, it's been a struggle to find the time to build the business and the money to really help it take off. She mentioned that advertising is pretty expensive and one of their big challenges has been to get the word out.

The company is called Rest On His Word:

We are a company dedicated to God and Family, producing high quality pillow cases imprinted with holy art and scripture to bring His Word closer to your head and heart.

You don't see a description like that too often in the corporate world. Or a mission statement like this:

To provide primary educators of our children tools to educate them to be virtuous citizens and provide comfort and rest in your life, no matter what your age, physically and spiritually with God's holy word.

The art is actually from antique holy cards and matched up with appropriate prayers. There are a variety of images and prayers available, some for particular occasions and age groups. If you're looking for an truly unique and inspirational gift for Easter or another upcoming occasion, you might want to consider a pillow case from Rest On His Word.

They're sold locally at Apostle Books and Gifts in Minnetonka or you purchase them on Rest On His Word site.

UPDATE-- Laura e-mails with a personal endorsement:

I know these ladies from Rest in His Word. I bought three for my kids with a Christmas flavor and we use them during the season. Kind of a neat tradition the kids look forward to.

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