Monday, June 20, 2011

Staking Out The Tent

At this point, I don't know enough about Texas governor Rick Perry to decide if I would support him if he decides to jump in the race for the GOP nomination for president. Today's WSJ had a front page story on the prospects and perils for Perry if he did enter the fray. This particular nugget reflects positively on him:

The three-term governor drew an enthusiastic response during a speech Saturday to the Republican Leadership Conference in New Orleans when he challenged GOP candidates not to shrink from social issues, such as opposition to abortion. He also touted the passage of legislation that requires voters to have valid identification.

"It saddens me when sometimes my fellow Republicans duck and cover in the face of pressure from the left," Mr. Perry said, touching a GOP debate over how much to highlight social issues, such as abortion or gay marriage. "Our party cannot be all things to all people."

Amen (no pun intended). At some point trying to "broaden the base" dilutes the principles on which your party purportedly stands and weakens one of its most important pillars of support. Sometimes a smaller, sturdier tent is what you need to weather the storm.