Tuesday, August 23, 2011

HWX, with CJ Box

The latest edition of the Hinderaker-Ward Experience (HWX) podcast is now up on Ricochet.

A rollicking conversation is featured, including discussion on the fall of Qaddafi, the fall of Obama's poll numbers (with historical context), and the fall of Tim Pawlenty's POTUS aspirations.

Our special guest is award winning crime and mystery novelist C.J. Box. He's the author of several NYT best sellers, including his latest, Back of Beyond. He turns out to be kind of a conservative good ol' boy as well and he was fun to speak with.

Also covered are this week's Loon of the Week, with perennial favorite Maxine Waters, and This Week in Gate Keeping, with a cautionary tale about the hazards of including pork rib recipes in your newspaper's "Ramadan Delights" special section.

Many ways to hear the podcast, including over on the mothership at Ricochet. You can also be sure to never miss an episode, by subscribing via iTunes or Feedburner. Or get the stream for your mobile device on Sticher. Or just use the player embedded in the upper right hand corner of the Fraters Libertas main page. If all of these fail, send me an email and I'll come to your house and read from the written transcript. Enjoy.