Friday, October 07, 2011

House Built on Sand

In a post at, genferei explains why after reading Mitt Romney’s 160 page pamphlet Believe In America: Mitt Romney's Plan for Jobs and Economic Growth, he still wonders whether Mitt’s faith in the country is really backed with the principles to sustain it.

And here is the core of my unease: wouldn't a conservative be asking, first, "should the government be doing this at all", not whether it is doing it well?

This is not intended to be a fisking. I wanted to set out clearly the case for considering that Mr Romney is not, at heart, conservative enough for me. At the level of broad statements he often says things that resonate strongly. At the level of a bit more detail, his proposals seem a little unambitious and the flavour, the approach, the tone of the pamphlet seems a little off-key (to mix my metaphors).

I have used a lot of quotes because I know not everyone has time to read 160 pages of political pamphlet. Hopefully there is enough material in this post for those who think I am wrong to be concerned to convince me otherwise. I'm not saying these extracts present a balanced account of the contents of the pamphlet. But I think they accurately reflect its tone.

Mitt Romney says he believes in America, and believes in Americans. But I am led to wonder whether he really does.

Genferei’s concerns about Romney are the same ones I have shared. Would a Romney administration really be the kind of dramatic break with the recent past that the country needs or more one of half measures and carefully managed calibrations? Genferei’s reading of Romney’s economy plan would indicate the latter.