Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Welcome to the Occupation

Remember when the crew at MoveOn.org were just a collection of reasonable folks who wanted nothing more than for the country to quit spending so much time worrying about the predilections and prevarications of the president and instead focus on what really was important? Okay, neither do I, but I’m still somewhat surprised to see what company they’re choosing to keep these days. From an e-mail I received yesterday:

But the biggest protests are on Wall Street itself. "Occupy Wall Street," which began with a brave group of young people, has swelled to thousands of students, unemployed folks, union members, and others who have persevered through intense police harassment and mass arrests to sustain a rolling 24-hour-a-day protest against the bankers who've wrecked our economy and undermined our democracy.

On Wednesday, MoveOn members will join labor and community groups in New York City for a huge march down to the protest site—the biggest yet.

And because we can't all be in New York, we're going to stage a massive "Virtual March on Wall Street" online with our friends at Rebuild the Dream. Together, we'll add hundreds of thousands of voices of solidarity from the American Dream Movement for the protests across the country and show just how widespread outrage at the Wall Street banks really is.

And just how far removed from the mainstream MoveOn.org really is.