Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Grab Bag

Catching up a few items:

- Long overdue congratulations to Polks and Swamptown for winning the Fraters College Hockey Pick ‘Em Challenge. They both finished with 21 points and since I’m too lazy to determine who won the total goals tiebreaker, I hereby declare them co-champions.

- Long-time Fraters readers may recall occasional e-mails from Barbara in Golden, Colorado and links to her blog called Golden Girl. It’s been a while since we’ve heard anything from her, but after a prolonged sabbatical, she’s back in business:

Anyway, even though it's an election year, I still don't think I'm ready to write about politics. I just don't have the Ann Coulter soul of steel to pull it off. I am, however, back to the world of blogging at www.babesfromrussia.blogspot.com. Take a look if you run out of things to do. Or if you know someone interested in adopting from Russia. (No, it's not a site to help lonely basement pajama bloggers find a wife from Russia....but if that drives traffic, so be it). I've been glad to see that you're all still working hard and writing well. I had little to do in my convalescence from neck fusion (other than contract whooping cough with my son. that was fun).

Fight the good fight, and hello again from Colorado!

Sorry Sisyphus, but as Barbara notes the blog’s content is probably not what you’re Googling for.

- Tim, another Colorado connection, e-mails to comment on my recent post on Scouts;

I read your FL post about your son entering Cub Scouts. The Scouts are a great organization. At our first den meeting I was the last to say "not it" when the group was asked who would be den leader; in all honesty, I am forever thankful that I was allowed to help lead those boys through Cub Scouts. Out of our group of eight scouts, two are close to completing their Eagle Scout, and all are honor role students and are playing at least one high school sport, and some are two-sport athletes.

Like you, I also cannot understand why the Left insists on persecuting this group, when there are groups within their sphere of influence that could use a little scrutiny (ACORN and the New Black Panther Party come to mind).

Next year your son gets to participate in one of the most sacred of all Cub Scout activities: The Pinewood Derby. If you don't already know, the Pinewood Derby car is supposed to be built by the Scout (wink, wink).

Having said that, I offer your son (wink, wink) a little advice. Here's a little video your son (wink, wink) should start watching today to prepare for next year.

It's never too early for your son (wink, wink) to start on next year's car. Do you think Dale Earnhart waited until January to start preparing for the February Daytona 500? I also advise your son (wink, wink) to volunteer to store the Pack's track at your house; it's not against the rules for your son (wink, wink) to do early testing on whatever track he (wink, wink) may have at his disposal.

Another tip: .30 caliber bullets (just bullets, not complete cartridges) make great weights to add to your son's car to make weight during weigh-in, as they can be easily added to the car by drilling holes on the bottom of the car with a cordless drill and a 9/32 drill bit, and then secured with some Elmer's or quick setting 2-part epoxy. Plus, when you pull the box of bullets out of your pocket you can immediately get a read on the other parents' view of the Second Amendment: those that let out a gasp and pull their son closer probably aren't originalists when it comes to the Constitution.

I know you and your boys will have a great Scout experience.

Interestingly enough, our son actually had his first Pinewood Derby this year. And he finished second in his den of Lion's Cubs earning a much appreciated trophy and an appearance at the district finals next month. Not only did his car perform well on the track, but it was undoubtedly also the one that had the least “assistance” in its construction. He designed the car, he helped cut it, he performed the minimal amount of sanding he decided was necessary before painting, and he painted it. It wasn’t the sharpest looking car, but it definitely was his.