Friday, April 06, 2012

A Little R & R

If there’s one thing that an America bitterly divided along political lines needs now more than ever it’s a open-armed, bi-partisan gesture that would please those on either side of the aisle. A grand gesture like having Mitt Romney name Paul Ryan as his running mate (WSJ-sub req):

The Republican presidential nominating fight might not wrap up until June, but speculation is already swirling about whom Mitt Romney might pick as his running mate—and both parties are focusing on the same candidate.

Rep. Paul Ryan, the Republican chairman of the House Budget Committee, floated to the top of some lists with his performance accompanying Mr. Romney on a recent campaign swing through Mr. Ryan's native Wisconsin. The congressman, who is seen by many as the natural heir to the sunny fiscal conservatism of former vice presidential candidate Jack Kemp, appeared particularly chummy with Mr. Romney.

Democrats are acting as if they also would like to see Mr. Ryan on the GOP ticket. President Barack Obama, in a salvo this week against Republican economic policies, attacked Mr. Romney for supporting a budget blueprint prepared by Mr. Ryan, one that seeks deep cuts in federal spending and a major overhaul of Medicare.

Republicans like the idea. Democrats like the idea. Finally, something we can all unite around: Paul Ryan on the Romney ticket. Plus the prospect of watching Paul Ryan go up against Joe Biden in a debate is simply too delicious an opportunity to pass up.