Saturday, September 06, 2008

Let Them Hear Cake

There's been a bit of controversy over the GOP using Heart's "Baracuda" as a theme song for Sarah Palin. The Wilson sisters apparently are not happy to have one of their hits used to promote a politician whose views they disagree with. Frankly I would think they would be happy to get any attention at all since Heart has been residing in the "where are they now?" bin for some time.

In order to resolve this situation and allow the Wilson sisters to go back to the obscurity they so they richly deserve, I propose a new and more appropriate song for Sarah Palin. The band is Cake and the song is Short Skirt / Long Jacket:

I want a girl with a mind like a diamond
I want a girl who knows what's best
I want a girl with shoes that cut
And eyes that burn like cigarettes

I want a girl with the right allocations
Who's fast and thorough
And sharp as a tack
She's playing with her jewelry
She's putting up her hair
She's touring the facility
And picking up slack

I want a girl with a short skirt and a lonnnng jacket.....

I want a girl who gets up early
I want a girl who stays up late
I want a girl with uninterrupted prosperity
Who used a machete to cut through red tape
With fingernails that shine like justice
And a voice that is dark like tinted glass

She is fast and thorough
And sharp as a tack
She's touring the facility
And picking up slack

The third verse doesn't really work, but other than that it's almost a perfect fit. Now, we just have to find out if Cake's okay with it being used.

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