Tuesday, October 07, 2008

You Are The Hope That You've Been Dreaming To Change

For what's it's worth, the editorial board here at Fraters Libertas is endorsing Margaret Marteen for the position of Mayor of the M.O.B.. The last year under King Banaian's laissez-faire stewardship has been disastrous for the M.O.B. with month after month of blogroll losses and a precipitous decline in M.O.B. related events. King may claim that the fundamentals of the M.O.B. are still strong, but that just shows how out of touch he is with the daily struggles the average MOBster is going through. And his well-established connections to foreign brandy dealers and out of state baseball teams call into question his very fitness for office.

Margaret may not answer the debate questions the way that Banaian and the unrepentant bearded professors he pals around with may like and they might snicker at her folksy ways and Michigan accent, but the average MOBster can relate to her in a way that these ivory-towered elites will never understand. She's the real deal and this new Iron Lady is going to finally clean up the M.O.B. after three-hundred and sixty-five days of willful neglect. Vote early, vote often. Vote for change in what is easily the most important M.O.B. election of our lifetimes.

UPDATE-- Mark e-mails to drop an October surprise:

"King may claim that the fundamentals of the M.O.B. are still strong, but that just shows how out of touch he is with the daily struggles the average MOBster is going through."

and i suppose a PhD in economics from the University of Michigan and tutelage under the finest that the London School of Economics has to offer better qualifies Maraget to be in touch with average MOBster?

"And his well-established connections to foreign brandy dealers and out of state baseball teams call into question his very fitness for office."

and, if we're talking about proclivities for out of state sports teams, i think it's no secret that Maraget is an unrepetant Michigan Wolverines fan.

don't get me wrong, i'm no fan of King, but neither will i sit by as you lionize Maraget. i'm not saying she's unfit for office, but, just as we look to examine those that Senator Obama has chosen to associate with, so must we examine those that Maraget has chosen to co-habitate with.

do we really want David Strom one heartbeat away from the Mayoralty?

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