Thursday, November 20, 2008

Golden Memories

This Saturday on the First Team of the NARN we'll interview noted Minnesota sports author and former rodent mascot Ross Bernstein. The latest book to come out of Ross' publishing empire is called Sixty Years & Sixty Heroes: A Celebration of Minnesota Sports:

Here is how the book is laid out: Each chapter represents a year, going back 60 years, and featured in it is, arguably, the greatest moment from the world of Minnesota sports that year. That event is then tied into an interview and biography of a hometown or homegrown hero who played a key role in it.

The book is great fodder for arguments (and a great Christmas gift) as picking out the greatest moment from any given sports year is highly subjective. One thing that I want to discuss with Ross are the high and low points of the last sixty years in Minnesota sports. Not just great individual years (like '76, '87, and '91) but great periods. For my money, it would be hard to beat 1987-1991 as a five year period of success. Two World Series titles in '87 and '91, the North Stars in the Stanley Cup Finals in '91, the Vikings the NFC championship game in '87, Gopher hockey team plays in '89 national title game, and the Gopher basketball team reaches the elite eight in 1990. Yeah, yeah it's not exactly like the run that the New England area has had lately, but this is Minnesota after all and sports success cannot be taken for granted.

Tune to AM1280 The Patriot this Saturday at noon to catch our interview with Ross. If you want to join the discussion, give us a call at 651-289-4488. If you want to hear six eight hours of the finest in local political talk listen to The Patriot from 9am-5pm on Saturday as the David Strom Show gently eases you in to six full hours of rich NARNy goodness.

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