Thursday, November 06, 2008

Only In America

One obvious good thing about Barack Obama's victory is that it is a direct refutation of what the global left has been saying about American society. As Greg Sheridan explains in The Australian:

It is indeed a wonderful thing for the US to have its first black president. No African-American child need ever fear there is any limit to what they can achieve. Whatever you think of Obama's policies and capacity to govern well--and I have my doubts--his election is a powerful symbol of America's inclusiveness and opportunity. Which other big, rich, predominantly white society has elected a member of a racial minority to be its head of government? Not Australia.

And not Germany, France, Great Britain, Sweden, or Canada either.

So as we salute Obama, let's salute America as well.

The left liberal caricature of America was always nonsense. The militarism of American society is vastly overstated, just as its profound willingness to make sacrifice for other people's freedom is under-appreciated. This is the fifth presidential election in a row in which the candidate with the stronger military record lost to the candidate who didn't serve, or served only in the National Guard.

As we've joked about for some time, George W. Bush is the worst evil dictator in history. Not only did he allow his party to lose control of Congress in 2006, now he's voluntarily turning over power to the Democrats and leaving office without even bothering to establish the theocracy we've all been waiting for.