Wednesday, March 04, 2009

One In Five

After looking at the historical relationships between stock market crashes and depressions, economics professor Robert Barro lays out the odds that the US economic decline will meet the D word criteria:

In the end, we learned two things. Periods without stock-market crashes are very safe, in the sense that depressions are extremely unlikely. However, periods experiencing stock-market crashes, such as 2008-09 in the U.S., represent a serious threat. The odds are roughly one-in-five that the current recession will snowball into the macroeconomic decline of 10% or more that is the hallmark of a depression.

A sobering possibility. However, there is a sunny side:

The bright side of a 20% depression probability is the 80% chance of avoiding a depression. The U.S. had stock-market crashes in 2000-02 (by 42%) and 1973-74 (49%) and, in each case, experienced only mild recessions. Hence, if we are lucky, the current downturn will also be moderate, though likely worse than the other U.S. post-World War II recessions, including 1982.

So the best case scenario is that we endure the worst recession in sixty years? Lucky us.

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