Thursday, June 25, 2009

Spreading The Thirst Around

What happens when you take one part populism with one part Puritanism and add a measure of politics? U Bans Alcohol In All Sports Arenas:

When fans welcome the Gophers to TCF Bank Stadium this fall, they will do it without access to alcohol. The University's Board of Regents overwhelmingly voted 10-2 Wednesday not to serve alcohol in the new stadium.

Some members of the board had hoped alcohol could be served in premium-select seats, such as upper level suites. However, state lawmakers told the University it had to serve alcohol in the entire stadium or not at all.

The select seats where they would have served alcohol would have gone to less than 5 percent of the fans, but those seats would have created about half the revenue on game day. When the state took that option off the table, University officials decided to go dry.

The revenue that the University will forego by not being able to sell alcohol in the select seats? Never mind. We're more concerned with enforcing a twelve-year-old's notion of fairness and equity: if I can't have it than no one can. Rah for the U of M.