Sunday, October 03, 2010

Artist, Get Real Thyself

Most rational observers believe that the Minnesota governor's race will go down to the wire and the margin for the eventual victor will be slight. In such tight races, there are numerous possible events and/or developing circumstances that could tip the balance one way or the other.

A Minneapolis "artist" seems to believe that the fate of the race now rests in her hands:

Supporters of an artist hoping to construct a sculpture out of anti-gay marriage DVDs distributed by the Catholic Church will collect the discs outside five Twin Cities area churches Sunday, according to the artist, Lucinda Naylor.

Volunteers will accept the DVDs, which call for a state constitutional amendment banning gay marriage, outside the Basilica of St. Mary in Minneapolis from 7:15 a.m. until noon, Naylor said. Her project caused the pastor at the basilica to suspend her indefinitely from her part-time job there. Naylor said DVD collection efforts will also take place at St. Joan of Arc Catholic Church in Minneapolis, St. Stanislaus Catholic Church and the Church of St. Cecilia, both in St. Paul, and Pax Christi in Eden Prairie. The collections will take place on public property in front of the churches, which haven't sanctioned the efforts.

"I need to get these DVDs as soon as possible to create a sculpture before the election," Naylor said.

It truly is a race against time. Will our intrepid artist get the DVDs in time? Will her powerful sculpture change the outcome of Minnesota's electoral history? Does anyone outside the offices of the Star Tribune care or think this is a story that in any way merits such attention? Stay tuned to find out.