You think it ain't on? Oh, it's on alright.
Just for fun read Hugh's post titled, Apollo Creed Wants a Rematch and see how many mistakes you can find:
A few years back, on a visit to the Minnesota State Fair in discharge of my duties as the state's Commissioner of Hockey and Master of the Horse (appointed to both posts by Governor Pawlenty), I accepted an invitation from the Fraters gang to assemble a trivia team and meet in four-on-four competition (along with a dozen other teams) as is their regular habit on Tuesday evenings at Keegan's Pub.
So I enlisted Lileks, his friend Swede the Giant Uke, and Michael Medved to take on the home team, and sure enough, the fix was in, and we could only achieve a tie. Fraters announced then that there would be no rematch.
1. Although Keegan's does have trivia on Tuesday night, the night that Team Fraters has made famous and the night that we had our first showdown with Hugh, was in fact Thursday. I warned Hugh about the side effects of mixing Scotch and diuretics.
2. Lileks actually has two friends that he regular refers to at The Bleat. One is the Giant Swede and the other is the Crazy Uke. Hugh apparently has blurred the two to create one composite character.
3. The fix was very much not in. If it was, then we would have won the competition, rather than finishing in a tie for second with Hugh's has beens.
4. Not only have we welcomed a rematch, we have openly called for one. You may recall that last year, Hugh skipped his annual visit to the Minnesota State Fair for fear of having to face our trivia prowess. You can run Hugh, but you can't hide.
Now, Hugh has apparently faced down his demons and summoned up the courage to run the Keegan's trivia gauntlet again.
As the president wouldn't say: Bring it on. This time we add Duane and drop the Lileks' posse. (Not that we don't like their taste in drink.)
Hugh's squad is not the only one going through a rebuilding phase. He's dropping his boat anchors from the team and we're dropping ours (although if Bridget is available, we'd love to have her on board Team Fraters).
We'll see ya in August Hugh.
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