Wednesday, May 17, 2006

"Okay ladies now grip the axe with your toes"

I was Googling for some info about a story on channel 5 last night about how parks in Eden Prairie (!) are not safe because of fights and came across a little gem about female firefighters.

Apparently a fire fightin' gal is trying to recruit more dames into the departments of Minnetonka, Bloomington, Chanhassen, Edina and Hopkin(s) by holding a Fire Service Expo on June 10.

But what of minor details like brute strength that women generally lack and is generally needed for the fighting of fires? Oh, that. Well, she's got a solution:

Female firefighters can do the job, Hanlon said, but they might use different techniques from male firefighters.

For example, using an axe to ventilate a burning building requires, from males, significant upper-body strength. But women can learn different ways to hold the axe and use strength from their lower body to do the same task, Hanlon said.

"We still have to do the job," Hanlon said, "but we can find other ways to do it."

Like holding the axe with their toes? (Jack Nicholson in Five Easy Pieces: "I want you to hold it between your knees!")

Carrying an unconscious, 225 pound man from a burning building requires (from anyone) strength. Upper AND lower body strength. How would this fire fightin' gal suggest women approach this task? Perhaps they could grab an axe and (using lower body strength) chop the legs and arms off the victim making him easy to carry in pieces.

They still got the job done (they can sew the pieces on later) they just found another way to do it. It's the same thing.

But in case any of you MEN thinking about becoming firefighters were considering attending this fair, you are not welcome:

When: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, June 10.

Where: The fire training tower at 7252 Braemar Blvd., Edina.

For whom: Women who live or work in Eden Prairie, Edina, Bloomington, Minnetonka, Hopkins or Chanhassen who are considering becoming firefighters. This program is not open to men; males who wish to inquire about firefighting may do so at their local departments.

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