Thursday, November 01, 2007

All Politics Is Local

Interesting to note that well-known DFL operative Flash from the blog "Centristy" (heh, heh that one never gets old) has endorsed King for MOB Mayor. One wonders what sort of quid pro quo was arranged to secure that endorsement. It's not enough that King is launching scurrilous ad hominem attacks on Atomizer's character. Now he's pandering to local liberal power brokers to gain their support for his candidacy.

These sort of Tammany Hall like political deals might play well out in New England where King's from (pssst...he's not one of us), but I'd like to think that here in the Heartland we don't take kindly to slick-talking con men willing to get into bed with special interest groups to satisfy their naked lust for power. Can we really trust an East Coast Elitist--especially one with so many vowels in his name--to represent the values that we Minnesotans hold dear? Did I mention that King's a Red Sox fan?

Vote locally. Vote Atomizer. Go Twins.

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