Thursday, November 15, 2007

Drugs Not Hugs

David Harsanyi on a school that has banned hugs:

In Evergreen, not far from Denver, a middle school has banned the nefarious hug. Or more specifically they have outlined what a proper hug entails. Around two seconds of love, but no more.

"In many areas of our culture, hugging is completely appropriate and welcomed," said a letter to parents. "Unfortunately, some of our students were taking hugging a bit too far."

A second clarification letter states that there will be no "prolonged embraces between students that may be considered sexual harassment."

As most married men can readily attest to, hugs have little or no connection to sex. When your wife says she wants a hug, the chances of it leading to anything more are slim to none.

But in our current day hyper-sensitivity to anything even remotely resembling sexual harassment, I guess it should come as no surprise.

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