Saturday, July 31, 2010

Northern Alliance Radio Network

The Northern Alliance Radio Network is back LIVE this morning at 11 AM. Pending any last minute invites to the Chelsea Clinton wedding, I believe John Hinderkaner and I will both be in studio and ready to "rock the talk".(tm pending)

HOT topics this week include the Arizona immigration law, the MN gubernatorial primary, and of course the Chelsea Clinton wedding. We'll cover it all, more or less.

Special guest at noon, the great John Nolte of Big Hollywood. John is the editor of that flagship website of the Breitbart empire, so we'll talk a little bit about their increasingly prominent role in the news cycle. But mostly we'll focus on his main area of expertise -- the movies. My opinon is that it's been mostly a lousy year at the cinema. We'll see if the best movie reviewer on the Internet (or anywhere else) has uncovered any gems we've overlooked and preview what's coming yet this summer.

Plus, as always, Loon of the Week, This Week in Gatekeeping, and much more.

Following us at 1 PM, Mitch Berg and Ed Morrissey. And, don't forget at 9 AM, King Banaian over at the Patriot's sister station, KYRC (Business 1570).

Remember, The Northern Alliance Radio Network starts at 11AM Central, locally on AM1280 the Patriot. Streaming LIVE worldwide at the web site. You can join the conversation at 651-289-4488. Don't you dare miss it.