Monday, July 12, 2010

Perpetrator-less Crimes

The theater of the absurd continues its long run at the United Nations. The latest act is reviewed in a WSJ editorial today called Blame the Torpedo:

When is a condemnation really a form of diplomatic rehabilitation? When it's delivered by the U.N. Security Council, which on Friday denounced the March sinking of the South Korean ship the Cheonan without denouncing anyone in particular for having sunk it.

It's as if the attack was a Sherlock Holmes mystery about a murder without a body. Never mind that everyone in the world knows that the Cheonan was sunk by a North Korean torpedo, killing 46 sailors in one of the worst acts of aggression since the Korean War ended nearly 60 years ago. A May report by a panel of global experts convened by South Korea to investigate the sinking left no doubt that the North perpetrated the act, despite Pyongyang's denials.

Seoul went to the Security Council to seek the global rebuke of the North, but China objected to a resolution that specifically blamed its clients in Pyongyang. Thus the Security Council retreated to writing a resolution that condemned the act of aggression but named no aggressor. Apparently the rogue underwater missile targeted and then launched itself against the South Korean vessel. I, Torpedo.

In related developments, the U.N. Security Council once again denounced the terrorist attacks of 9/11 without mentioning Al Qaeda and the Holocaust without mentioning the Nazis.