Saturday, July 24, 2010

Northern Alliance Radio Network

The Northern Alliance Radio Network is back LIVE and in full effect this morning at 11 AM. After a rare and well-deserved absence the last 3 weeks, I'm ready to rejoin the broadcast with John Hinderaker and continue our crusde to create something worth listening to on Saturday mornings.

HOT topics will include the Shirley Sherrod imbroglio, the extension of unemployment beneifts (and whether or not that applies to unpaid radio show hosts who take a lot of time off), and the developmnets in the run up to the 2010 elections.

Special guest at noon, Jamie Weinstein, Deputy Editor of the Daily Caller. They've owned the "Jounolist" story so far, with their continuing series on what the liberal journalists were saying when they thought they were behind closed doors. We'll discuss what's been revealed so far, what it means, and what is yet to come from the Daily Caller.

Plus, as always, Loon of the Week, This Week in Gatekeeping, and much more.

Following us at 1 PM, Mitch Berg and Ed Morrissey. And, don't forget at 9 AM, The King Banaian Show over at the Patriot's sister station, KYRC (Business 1570).

Remember, The Northern Alliance Radio Network starts at 11AM Central, locally on AM1280 the Patriot. Streaming LIVE worldwide at the web site. You can join the conversation at 651-289-4488. Don't you dare miss it.