Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Sneak Preview

At some point in the dim, distant past, I purchased a ticket to an event at one of Minneapolis's theaters (State, Orpheum, Pantages). Must have forgotten to check the appropriate boxes opting out of marketing promotions, because I've been getting them for years. But never one quite like this. Live from my email inbox, this charming opportunity:

Red State, U.S.A. Tour Movie and Kevin Smith Q&A
State Theater
Wednesday, March 9 at 7:00 PM
On Sale Friday, January 28 at 12:00 PM
$65.00 to $75.00
Ever since Clerks, Kevin Smith has been known for his sharp, subversive, comedic writing. He shifts from comedy to horror with Red State and aptly demonstrates that good writing transcends genre.

Red State begins by following three horny high school boys who come across an online ad from an older woman looking for a gang bang. Boys being boys, they hit the road to satisfy their libidinal urges. But what begins as a fantasy takes a dark turn as they come face-to-face with a terrifying "holy" force with a fatal agenda.
Mature Audiences. Ages 16+

So Kevin Smith is remaking Porky's? Subversive!

Very responsible of them to limit this viewing to mature audience only. Wouldn't want any kids to be subjected to sharp, transcendent explorations of "gang bangs" until they've reached the universally recognized age of wisdom and reason ..... of 16 years old.

Speaking of mature audiences, they ought to be using that standard on future emails from the taxpayer subsidized Minneapolis theaters. I haven't seen promotional language like this in an email since I moved to Gmail and started filtering out the prOn spam.