No, he wasn't at Lambert Field with John Kerry. He was at the Minnesota State Fair on the Northern Alliance Radio Network on Saturday. Actually he was on all the live AM-1280 broadcasts that day, including the Tax Payers League with David Strom and Rabuse on the Right. When Hugh's pimping a book, you can't keep him away from a live mike, whether he has been asked to appear or not. About that little incident involving Cathy Wurzer and Hugh at the MPR booth, we shall speak no further. Let's just say that Eric Eskola can do more with that scarf than just make a fashion statement.
During the third hour of the NARN show, we presented Hugh with a few additional honorary titles to add to his already sagging mental mantel place. Official representatives were on hand to honor Hugh on the air with his titles and honor Generalissimo Duane with plenty of free food samples. Henceforth Hugh will be known as:
The Master of Fudge Puppies
The Prince of Pronto Pups
And The Sultan of Scotch Eggs
Hugh wanted the moniker of "Ambassador of Pronto Pups", but this was Minnesota, not California. It was our show, not his. And so he is the Prince of Pronto Pups.
He also took a few moments to strap on his Minnesota Commissioner of Hockey crown and take a few questions about the sport:
It's not the yellow tuxedo, but seeing Hugh in a hockey helmet is probably the next best thing.
Of course he utterly failed to coherently answer even the simplest of hockey queries (For example: What is icing?). Hugh should familiarize himself with the rules of the game as well as the World Cup of Hockey, which starts today and includes games at the Xcel Energy Center in St. Paul later this week. It may seem incredible, but I daresay that Hugh knows more about wine (he is the state sommelier for California) than he does hockey.
If not for a few logistical issues, I would have also arranged for a special event involving Hugh and his title of Minnesota's Master of the Horse. Maybe next year. Or maybe we can change Hugh's title to Governor of the Goat. It's more fitting anyway.
After our Scotch-infused conversation on Saturday night, I actually felt a bit sorry for Hugh (especially his wallet) and so will probably go easy on him for the next couple of days. Or at least the rest of today. Maybe just the rest of the hour...
Finally, I was also able to continue my work on my on-going photo serial called "NARN Hosts Eating On The Job". Hindrocket from Power Line joins Mitch Berg in the gallery of regrettable food consumption. I hope to catch King next week with his favorite Fair fare; fried tofu on a stick.
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